Where Did We Get Our Bible?
Where Did We Get Our Bible? By: Bro. Soc C. Fernandez Catholic Faith Defender (Catholic Faith Defenders Journal Vol. IV No. 9) The BOOKS of the Old Testament were written at largely different times and different places. God used different kinds of instruments or instrumental authors. In olden times, there were written by some pseudo religious persons. So there must be an inspired authority that would determine which of the books were really divinely authored by God. Likewise, in the times of Jesus, there were many spurious books, and there should be a determining factor in recognizing the inspired New Testament books. That authority that would announce the verdict of which are the genuine or inspired books of the Bible must be infallible and that authority is the true CHURCH founded by Jesus Christ. “The Council of Trent (1546) Sess. IV declared that all the books at the Old and New Testaments contained in the Catholic Bible were sacred (inspired) and canonical....