Where Did We Get Our Bible?


Where Did We Get Our Bible?

By: Bro. Soc C. Fernandez

Catholic Faith Defender

(Catholic Faith Defenders Journal Vol. IV No. 9)

The BOOKS of the Old Testament were written at largely different times and different places. God used different kinds of instruments or instrumental authors. In olden times, there were written by some pseudo religious persons. So there must be an inspired authority that would determine which of the books were really divinely authored by God.

Likewise, in the times of Jesus, there were many spurious books, and there should be a determining factor in recognizing the inspired New Testament books.

That authority that would announce the verdict of which are the genuine or inspired books of the Bible must be infallible and that authority is the true CHURCH founded by Jesus Christ.

“The Council of Trent (1546) Sess. IV declared that all the books at the Old and New Testaments contained in the Catholic Bible were sacred (inspired) and canonical. While, therefore, non-catholic Christian are dependent upon the fallible witness of critical arguments for their canon, Catholics depend upon the divine witness of an infallible teach in Church. The canon solemnly defined by the council of Trent is identified with the list of sacred books promulgated by the Council of Florence (1441), Carthage (397), Laodicea (363), Hormisdas (514-523), Gelasius (494-496) and Pope Damasus (366-384).

“The Deutero-canonical books, called by Protestant apocryphal, were included in these lists. They are Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch and the two books of Machabees, together with the fragments of Esther (10:4, 16:24) and Daniel (3:24, 13:14)”. (The Question Box by Fr. Bertrand Conway Page 62-63).

Without the Catholic Church the world couldn’t have a Bible, because it was the Catholic Church who bothered herself in searching and compiling these books contained in the Bible and determined which books are really inspired by Holy Spirit. This can be done only by a Church which was founded by the infallible God. Thus, His Church must be also infallible regarding the declaration of which books are really genuine. That is the reason Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer said, “We are compelled to concede to the papists, that they have the Word of God, without them we have no bible at all.”


When God sent us His word, He wants that His words shall be understood according to His mind and will. He desires that His words shall be approached by us, with the following:

  1. Humility “God gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6)
  2. Faith and “We believe…. You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68)
  3. Obedience “Blesses are those who hear the word of God and obey it (Luke 11:28)


  1. Be familiar with facts…

Slowly read the passages…

  1. Determine the sense of the passage, whether it is literal or figurative.
  2. View the passage contextually before any interpretation…
  3. Consult the authority (The True Church) if come across difficulty…
  4. Extract from the passage of what is to believe, or concerning faith…
  5. Draw from the passage of what is to be practiced concerning morals…

Then follow the Word of God and share its message to others especially to those who are ignorant as Saint Paul says… “Devote to public reading of the scriptures…preaching…to teaching…watch your life and doctrine closely…preserve in them because if you do, you save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim. 4:13-16)


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